Sharlet Elms' Walk Thru History looking at the development of fibers, dyeing and how civilizations influenced cloth was indeed fascinating. As experts find more evidence of our use and dependence on fibers, they find that weaving, nalbinding, and knitting developed much earlier in our history than was previously thought. Thank you for the interesting presentation, Sharlet! Check out her books of interest if you would like to learn more.

Ginger did a wonderful job presiding over the business meeting. Officers of the 2024-2025 Foothill Fibers Guild Board were elected. Your officers are:
President: Gretchen
Vice President: Ginger
Secretary: Kathy H
Treasurer: Carol P-K
Membership/CNCH Liaison: Margaret
Program Coordinator: Meredith
Website Manager: Mary P
Librarian: Susan R
Outreach Coordinator: Mardi
Publicity/Social Media Coordinator: Andrea
Many thanks went to Andrea for volunteering to take on the new role of Publicity/Social Media Coordinator. Also, a big round of applause for Brenda Atchison who is stepping down as program coordinator. Thank you, Brenda, for two years of excellent programs.
The proposed bylaws changes were approved, including an increase in guild dues for the coming year:
- $45.00 for an individual membership
- $20.00 for students ages 8 to 17
- $30.00 for new members joining after January 1st.
- Previous members renewing at any time will pay full dues
The membership also authorized the Foothill Fibers Guild CNCH Liaison or President to vote as our representative on the current matter of CNCH By-laws and Standing Rules approval.
And Ginger won the door prize: a tote from the Handweavers Guild of America (HGA) filled with yarn sample cards from the Yarn Barn of Kansas, copies of Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot, dyed locks, yarn, woven key chain, and a variety of stitch markers. Congratulations, Ginger!