Foothill Fibers Guild

Your Sierra Foothills Community (and beyond) for the Fiber Arts


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  • Wednesday, May 29, 2024 10:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sharlet Elms' Walk Thru History looking at the development of fibers, dyeing and how civilizations influenced cloth was indeed fascinating. As experts find more evidence of  our use and dependence on fibers, they find that weaving, nalbinding, and knitting developed much earlier in our history than was previously thought. Thank you for the interesting presentation, Sharlet! Check out her books of interest if you would like to learn more.

    Ginger did a wonderful job presiding over the business meeting. Officers of the 2024-2025 Foothill Fibers Guild Board were elected. Your officers are:

    President:  Gretchen 
    Vice President:  Ginger 
    Secretary:  Kathy H
    Treasurer:  Carol P-K
    Membership/CNCH Liaison:  Margaret
    Program Coordinator:  Meredith
    Website Manager:  Mary P
    Librarian:  Susan R
    Outreach Coordinator:  Mardi
    Publicity/Social Media Coordinator:  Andrea

    Many thanks went to Andrea for volunteering to take on the new role of Publicity/Social Media Coordinator. Also, a big round of applause for Brenda Atchison who is stepping down as program coordinator. Thank you, Brenda, for two years of excellent programs.

    The proposed bylaws changes were approved, including an increase in guild dues for the coming year:

    • $45.00 for an individual membership
    • $20.00  for students ages 8 to 17
    • $30.00 for new members joining after January 1st. 
    • Previous members renewing at any time will pay full dues

    The membership also authorized the Foothill Fibers Guild CNCH Liaison or President to vote as our representative on the current matter of CNCH By-laws and Standing Rules approval.

    And Ginger won the door prize:  a tote from the Handweavers Guild of America (HGA) filled with yarn sample cards from the Yarn Barn of Kansas, copies of Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot, dyed locks, yarn, woven key chain, and a variety of stitch markers. Congratulations, Ginger!

  • Monday, May 13, 2024 11:19 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Second Saturday, May 11, 2024

    We had a free Learn to Crochet class as part of our Second Saturday activities in May. Simona let the group with Julie and Mary as support. Our goal is to learn the skills needed to crochet a cotton face cloth using a pattern designed by Simona.

    We first all learned how to make a proper slip knot. Do you know how? It is a very important first step to keep your beginning edge neat and tidy. Then we learned how chain, single crochet, and crochet a nice foundation row. Everyone was so engaged that those that came to spin and do other handwork joined the group! There will be a follow-up session in two weeks at the library. We all left with homework and a desire to learn more about crochet.

    Check out the photos.

  • Tuesday, May 07, 2024 11:49 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Members of the Foothill Fibers Guild braved the rain and cold to demonstrate various fiber arts at the KVMR Celtic Festival at the Nevada County Fairgrounds. Demonstrations included the picking and carding of fiber, spindle spinning, spinning wheel spinning, knitting, and weaving on triangle, rigid heddle and floor looms. It was great fun sharing our skills and chatting with attendees while listing to wonderful Celtic music.

    Check out the photos!

  • Wednesday, April 24, 2024 6:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Beth Leydon - Working Upside Down:  intuitive felting with wool and silk

    Beth described her process in creating beautiful “Nuno" Felted wearable art. Utilizing paper fibers in place of roving and silk, Beth guided over 20 members in an experiential exercise in working upside down, experimenting with color, form, and layout. Many experienced a feeling of uncertainty when we were not able to see the final product until completion. Everyone had fun playing with paper shapes and visiting with other guild members. We all left with an even greater appreciation for Beth's outstanding work.

    Members, to see photos of the evening, click [HERE]

  • Monday, April 22, 2024 10:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Elvira, our headless mascot, wants you to accept this year's guild challenge and learn a new fiber-related skill. Bring a project created using your new skill to the June picnic. You can even double-dip and enter the project into the Nevada County Fair! It is not too late to get started.

    ~ Are you a knitter that would like to learn how to crochet? Or maybe you crochet and want to learn how to manipulate those two needles. 

    ~ Do those pretty, fluffy batts make you want to learn how to spin yarn? Or are you a spinner that would like to weave a lovely scarf with your handspun?

    ~ Have you been weaving yarn for years and now you want to weave baskets. Or do bands made using cards with holes punched in their four corners intrigue you?

    ~ Were you inspired by all that color alchemy last year and now you want to dye everything in sight but don’t know how to get started?

    ~ Or maybe this whole idea stresses you out and you want to stab something. Give needle felting a try. 

    And if you are dedicated to your fiber craft of choice, commit to learning a new skill within that craft. Knitters, have you tried brioche? Intarsia? Weavers, have you woven a double-wide blanket or a collapsed weave? Crocheters, have you tried three-dimensional textured crochet squares? Dyers, have you used a blanket? Spinners, have you tried a fang?

    Bonus activity:  Knit, spin, weave, dye, crochet, felt, embroider, etc., with intention. Make every stitch, pass or minute spent working with fiber an opportunity to send peace and love out into the world.

  • Tuesday, March 12, 2024 12:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Carol Pepper-Kittredge

    On February 24, sixteen Foothill Fibers Guild members assembled at Jeanne's home for an introductory session on natural dyeing. The group included some very accomplished and skilled FFG dyers as well as complete beginners; but all came together to build community, share information, and have a fun time!  Four natural dye stations were set up: mahonia, onion skins, avocado and apple bark. Participants received sample packs of pre-mordanted yarn, roving, and a silk scarf to try one or more natural colors. A separate demo on the mordanting process using Alum helped explain how to prepare fiber for the dye pot, as well as a primer on safety and personal protective gear.   

    So - what was the 'winner' for the day? It was definitely the onion skins!  The other pots produced very light colors, which might be typical if the pot temperature gets too hot (above 160 degrees F), or if the material needs more exposure time in the pot.  All-in-all, it was a happy and productive day, and we hope that participants gained greater confidence in continuing their natural dyeing journey.  

    Due to strong FFG member interest, a second introductory session will be held on March 24 at Brenda's home!  A few spots are still available - sign up at (EventBrite link).  

    Thank you to FFG Dye Day committee members Jeanne, Gretchen, Brenda, and Carol for coordinating these events!

  • Sunday, March 10, 2024 8:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our rigid heddle weaving demonstration at Second Saturday was very successful. Mary started with an explanation of how weaving works on a variety of small looms. There was a poster with weaving words and their meanings to help with the new vocabulary. Interested folks were able to try their hand at weaving on a 10" Schacht Cricket loom and a 20" Schacht Flip loom. 

    Second Saturday was well attended. We had at least five guests and a dozen members socializing while knitting, spinning, crocheting, warping small looms. Most importantly, everyone had a lovely time enjoying fiber fun.

  • Sunday, February 25, 2024 12:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The first beginning natural dyeing workshop offered on February 24th was great fun, and the stated goals were met. Everyone in attendance left with an idea of how they might set up dye pots using natural materials with animal fibers at home. 

    Carol, Gretchen, and Jeanne organized the day and did a great job. There were warm beverages and homemade banana bread (thank you Jeanne) available for everyone as registered attendees gathered at Jeanne’s house. Carol went over mordanting and prepared fiber samples were distributed. Everyone tagged their seven samples with their names; two white yarn mini-skeins, two gray yarn mini-skeins, two bits of wool roving in bags, and a silk scarf. The group was organized into four groups, one for each dye pot. The group members were responsible for overseeing the four dyestuffs:  apple bark, avocado pits and skins, mahonia, and onion skins. Attendees decided which pots would receive their samples. Pots were heated and when ready, the samples were added. 

    At noon, everyone took a break and had lunch. The weather was perfect and everyone had a chance to chat and enjoy the sunny day. There was also an opportunity to take a peek into Jeanne’s weaving yurt. Afterwards, the samples were lifted from the pot liquor and attendees were given the opportunity to take some of the dye liquid home in their quart jars. Instructions were given for rinsing and drying, and any lingering questions were answered. 

    Many thanks to Carol, Gretchen and Jeanne for organizing this great workshop. Thank you, too, to Louisa for sharing her extensive knowledge of dyeing. 

    Because this workshop was so popular, a second was added on March 24th. Brenda offered to host at her home in Nevada City. It is sure to be as much fun as the first.

    Photos are available online at the Recent Workshops page.

  • Thursday, February 22, 2024 11:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Brenda and her team of knitting mentors helped a group of beginners get started during the January and February Second Saturday meet ups. Yarn, needles and patterns for dishcloths were provided. They had so much fun the beginners are meeting again at the library. Join the FFG Beginning Knitters group to get all the info.

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Foothill Fibers Guild is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization promoting greater interest in the fiber arts.

PO Box 3355, Grass Valley, CA 95945

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